In order to complete the registration process through MUNTAZIM parents will need to have a completed Enrollment Application form and Home Language Survey (state requirement) for EACH student as well as their:

    • GA Medical Forms 3300 & 3231 (form in application)


    • Immunization Record


    • Birth Certificate


  • Social Security Card OR Passport

The required forms are included below as PDF’s for parents to fill out and submit online through MUNTAZIM. All registration and tuition payments will also be accessible through their new Parent Portal at no additional fee!

Enrollment Application Form 2024-2025 for Existing Students

Enrollment Application Form 2024-2025 for New Pre-K Students

  • New Pre-K students do not require a report card from the previous year
  • Form G (included in attachment) is only required for new Pre-K students

Enrollment Application Form 2024-2025 for New Students (non Pre-K)

Home Language Survey

Financial Aid applications will be made available soon. The current Board of Education is currently reviewing and revising the process and as soon as this has been updated it will be made available to parents. The Financial Aid deadline will be July 1st.